The process of creating a Logo for VATinsights started during the first lock down due to Covid-19.
At the first brain storming we had with the world famous designer Yoyo, we ended up sketching the below image.
The idea was for a light bulb to create the shadow of a face in profile.
We continued with this idea and developed further the concept:
The next step was a design test including the name of the website inside the logo.
Initially, the designer wanted to create a separate logo and a title of the website. You can find three versions of the same idea following the theme of the light bulb and the face in profile below:
With regard to the title of the website the following versions were created based on two different letter fonts:
However, the final decision was to avoid having a separate logo and a title so it was decided to merge the two.
Every good logo needs a double meaning. We believe that by integrating the light bulb in the title and inserting the “in” of insights in it, this goal has been achieved.
Designer: Yoyo